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Zen Gardens - 2013

Travelling in Japan as part of my Masters program, I found it a land of strong contrasts. One of these was the sense of open space and meditative calm of a zen garden, juxtaposed with the tensions of an old culture, not least a militaristic Zen Buddhism.  Another was the sacred intermingling with the everyday. The World Heritage pilgrimage trails carry the marks of working paths for timber workers, the forests are plantation timber, a monoculture causing landslides scarring the slopes.  Australia’s old growth forests are woodchipped to preserve these forests.

Kii Mountains

Kii Mountains

2013 30x30cm, woodcut and chine colle

Kii Mountain Ridges

Kii Mountain Ridges

2013 60x30cm, woodcut and chine colle

Beyond the Garden Wall

Beyond the Garden Wall

2013 51x51cm, etching using touche resist

Zen Garden with Figure

Zen Garden with Figure

2013 20x25cm, etching with 2 plates, using chinograph and touche resist

Zen Garden Enveloped

Zen Garden Enveloped

2013 51x51cm, etching using touche resist

Zen Garden

Zen Garden

2013 30x30cm, etching using chinograph resist

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